Friday 20 January 2017

An update on the situation, then. The lycée I had hoped to go to unfortunately can't take me as the cinéma class is full. I would have preferred to do théâtre, then, instead of cinéma, but Mum thinks if we suggested that then I would just get sent to the lycée for our catchement area, which offers that option. So now we're trying for the other school, where I would be doing art and maths, but which has both a cinéma and a théâtre club
It's a pain, though; I had hoped to get rid of maths and do science instead, and if I had done the actual lessons for cinéma it would have probably been a lot more interesting and also that would be what I was tested in at the baccalaureate, instead of art. If it was just practical art it wouldn't be so bad, but I think there's a lot of history of art which I'm frankly not interested in and I think the test is quite hard. 
I could do Latin, Chinese or Italian instead, but I think I'm too behind now to start any of those - especially since some people started them last year, not just in September.

1 comment:

  1. do they have anything where you can do some university online type courses?
