Saturday 30 September 2017

The weekend at last, what a relief! Not that it's been a bad week at school, just tiring. 
Cinéma was great, and on Friday we watched the Hitchock film "Strangers on a Train". My gosh, the suspense! Also it was in English with French subtitles, which was more relaxing (well, relaxing considering the context!). 
But we had a mock philosophy exam on Wednesday, where we were given a text by Pascal which we had to explain. To cut a long story short, it was a catastrophe. I didn't even write a whole page, and it was a four hour exam. The teacher hasn't finished correcting all of them, but he said the 75% or so he's looked at would get less than 4/20. At least I'm not alone... But I don't know how to explain a short text which is already very clear, concise and easy to understand! Still, the teacher was positive, at least, and said that we'd work through it and everyone would manage by the end of it. I hope he's right!
I'd better get back to my work. I've got a ton of stuff to do in geography, French, philosophy - and we're going to have a mock exam every Wednesday afternoon!

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