Tuesday 21 February 2017

I started at my new school yesterday. I got lost trying to find it but amazingly still got there before eight. There are technically eleven of us in my class, but three people are absent (and judging from the others, they have been and will continue to be for a while). The people in my class and the teachers seem alright so far. (Although nothing compared to the school in Kenya.)
I have a history test today, on the totalitarian regimes of WW2, which I haven't studied. I told the teacher that I would try and revise last night but in the end we got back so late - had to go to the garage because the car's headlights stopped working - that I had barely any time. I've printed out a few things I'll read on the bus, but I probably won't be able to do much on the test.
It's just turned 6 so I'd better go and wake up my sister.

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