Friday 24 March 2017

Oh dear, I only seem to write on here to complain about the bad days. There are good ones. But today I didn't have cinéma because the teacher was supervising a mock exam - I had two hours of English which wasn't too bad and I focused on my Arabic - and two hours of sports where we just faffed around doing whatever we wanted and, aside from a few things about the baccalaureate test next year, didn't learn anything.
So I could have gone home at 12, but Mum wasn't answering the phone, so I went to eat with my friend and then (no bus until 3, remember) hung around with her for an hour, before asking the teacher (who is also our French teacher) if I could come to Latin with her. She said yes, which was very nice of her, and Latin was interesting. In France it's not so much Latin language but rather mythology and history. That's not to say the language wouldn't be interesting, of course it would, but I could hardly have sat in on it and understood something.
Anyway, the main issue with today was that it was tipping with rain (and after all that lovely sunshine!), and I have to walk to get to and from the bus, and to get to the gym where we do P.E. you have to walk for ages as well, so in the end I ended up soaked, which was extraordinarily unpleasant. For some reason, while I don't mind too much about having a wet top or trouseres, I detest wet shoes and socks. Which, as well as the other two, was what I had. Squelch, squelch, damp, yuck. And I'm not feeling too well again. *sigh* Hopefully the weekend will be better. Although I have to spend it revising for two mock exams my class has next week, in science and French...

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