Monday 4 September 2017

And what day is it today? The day which kills freedom, the back-to-school day, the rentrée - the end; doomsday. Well, no, I'm too harsh. It was fun going back to school, and meeting some of the new teachers, but do I really have to go back every single day for the next beastly year? A few days now and then would be nice, but not all week every week. *sigh* Still, at least I have philosophy this year. It's really interesting, and the teacher - from what I can tell after one lesson with him - seems quite good, although the daft geezer likes Freud and Sartre. Then again, it should make for some interesting debates...if I get up the courage to actually debate, that is. 
Anyway. We have the same history-geography teacher as last year, which was a surprise. One problem that cropped up, though, is that the stupid adminstration has decided to get rid of extra Spanish, which was the option I'd chosen! And also they put art and cinéma at the same time, so I can only do one of them (cinéma, of course). Instead of Spanish, then, I'm going to be doing Droit et Grands Enjeux du Monde Contemporain. There was a lesson today, actually, and it too seems good.
Well, supper time now, so byeeeee.

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